Monday, March 8, 2010

Tuesday - March 9 Agenda

We are off to a pretty good start with no major "technology" mishaps or internet shut downs. There may be a few more sites you'll need to register with or at least access through the LATechie account as we go on. Here is a basic agenda for today:
  • Think Before You Shoot with Mr. Andrew Brescia
  • Social Media Revolution - see next post with video upload and post a comment
  • Facebook and Twitter - using both to promote the LA Winterim Blog
  • GMap - start working to place each Winterim on the Map, include a description (we need to figure out how to add the photo using html or xml code)
  • Complete your "Daily Social Media" job
  • Make a comment to this post reflecting upon your day and what you learned or accomplished


  1. Today we learned the essence of taking better photos that I plan to use in the near future while taking photos of Winterim groups. We also learned to use GMap, which may prove to be rather unreliable (Since when is panama not a country?)

  2. Today was a rather productive and interesting day. I really liked Mr. Breschia's presentation on photography, and I feel like he provided many tips on how to make the right shot. We had a lot of independence today and I feel like we all used our time well.

  3. Today was a great day! Mr. Breschia came to talk about and critique photos that we took of groups this morning. It was very interesting and helpful to listen to him talk about our photos, and when we go into the field tomorrow, we will use what we learned. After lunch, we jumped into using Gmap where we ran into some difficulties, but we worked through them. It was cool today how once Gabe sent out the Facebook group to the whole LA network our members tripled in a few hours! It has been a good day!

  4. Today started off with our school photographer, Mr. Andrew Brescia, showing us the basics on how to take a good picture. It was very interesting to hear about the aspects of a good photograph and the little things that can make a good photo bad. We also watched a YouTube video on the social media revolution which promoted how much social media has evolved throughout the years. Then, we worked on YourGMap, which is a site that allows you to connect a description and an exact location to a Google Map. Overall, today was a pretty productive day and things are starting to pick up.

  5. Today Mr. Brescia came in and did a good job defining what a good photo is and what to look for in a picture. We also worked with Google Maps to put a point on a map where the winterims are and short summaries of what they are doing.


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