Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Question number three, the success of the blog according to the visits. Team - Sarah and Mike.

1) We should base our decision according to the number of hits, comments, members and followers.
2) We expect the number which is approximately equal to the half or more of Lawrence academy, depending on which post get the most views will allow us to see what people find most interesting. Things like marking the post as interesting, with like or favorite, or the increase of followers also allow us to know what's the most popular.
3) The most important number is the constant number of posts, amount of time on our website and hits/clicks per day - we can analyze the results and get the most successful tactics of providing information.


  1. i agree with both of team. i am a superfan of this blog. yay.

  2. I can show you the stats from last year so you have a place to start if you want to set a a goal for us in terms of numbers of hits and "likes" for FB

  3. Undoubtedly, the blog is one of the most important sites for numbers. But, most of our sites connect to the blog, so it's important to increase those as well. The Facebook page is very important because most people can access it. Therefore, by increasing traffic to FB, we increase traffic to the blog.

  4. I agree - I'd like to see a good way to track this data so we can see the growth over time. I think you set a reasonable goal that you can totally blow out of the water!


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