Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday - March 16th Agenda

A look ahead:

Today and part of Thursday will be the last days to work on posts or grab photos of any on-campus or local groups. We will need to leave time Thursday afternoon and Friday morning to post final articles of groups who send us items or to post final close articles for the blog. We will also spend time Thursday building the slide show for Friday's assembly.

For today:
  • Continue to produce posts for groups on campus -check white board for specifics (Eric you need to meet with Talking Hands today at 11:15 for a photo or video - they will run through part of their performance they plan to do Friday.)
  • Follow-up on off-campus groups - do research and begin crafting a post for those groups will have yet to hear from or we will not hear from.
  • Promote at least ONE article you posted today or another day.
  • Choose song(s) for the slide show - music for assmbly can be copyrighted, music for website slide show must be a creative commons song(s)
  • Plan for tomorrow's work off-campus at an internet cafe; view menu for lunch choices


  1. Today was kind of the same as yesterday except I didn't have my partner in crime (aka Gabriel Bishop) and so I was very sad. I did articles on quilting, stained glass, and peru. I also kept promoting through facebook which I think is the reason for the spike in our visits!

  2. Today was a huge success. I got a good video of the Talk With your hands group.

  3. Today was really really boring throught the day until i went on the trip and it woke me up. Thank you very much for the flooding trip.

  4. Managed to get out for a bit and shoot some photos of the flooding in Groton. A great chance to brush up on my artistic photography skills. Overall, a productive and challenging day.

  5. Today I worked on editing the Something For Nothing Players video from Friday, which basically took the whole day. I had a half hour of video, and I had to turn it in to something that was only one or two minutes long. Therefore, I decided to create all still frames from the video and put music behind it from the show, to make it like a slideshow. This was somewhat stressful, but I like using Macs and I am familiar with iMovie, so it wasn't that bad. Thanks to Mrs. Poulin, we also got the update from Costa Rica up on the blog which was good because we did not have anything on them and needed to put something up. Overall, it was a very productive day.

  6. Yesterday I slept and had an awesome time at home and a jolly good time. I ended up doing my posts around midnight but yeah...I liked the whole working from home thing.


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