Many television series start out with interesting concepts that made viewers intrigued. However, some shows such as Lost and Prison Break have completely gone off track from the original story line.
The first season of Lost was good. After that, the show went completely downhill. In the first season of Lost, the plot line, although science fiction, had a somewhat believable quality that intrigued viewers and made them wanting to watch more. The combination of the flashbacks of the characters and the suspense and mystery of the island was a new concept for television series. People liked this show because Lost's first season was unique and suspenseful.
However, the rest of the seasons were disappointing because there was simply to much going on. With the introduction of the Others, the Dharma Initiative, and random explosions, the storyline became too complex and was dragging on needlessly. Season one was mainly about uncovering the back-stories of each character and how they were surviving. Adding all of the other antagonistic aspects took away the simplicity of the initial concept of the show. Since the producers wanted to keep the show going, in the process they ended up ruining the shows good qualities.
Prison Break's main issue was that the same storyline repeated itself over and over again throughout the course of the show. The character gets jailed, there's lots of planning in between, then the character finally breaks out. Viewers can deal with this for one season, but not for FOUR more. It gets too repetitive, and although it was well received in the beginning, it should have just ended after one season.
Overall, these shows later seasons were so bad that they should have ended after one season. There was no point in dragging Lost or Prison Break for much longer than that. The first seasons of both shows were spectacular, although they have completely jumped the shark.
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