Thursday, March 17, 2011

Friday, March 18th Agenda

Your final day in RUaDN Winterim!  We have some major items to take care of this morning before we break for lunch.  Lunch is 12-12:45.  Then you need to report to the theater for the assembly which begins at 1:00.

We are part of the assembly today, so you need to be dressed within the dress code today.

1. FINAL FOUR Blog Articles (Partner Feature Article) - must be created & drafted by 10:30; edited and posted by 11:00
  • Winterim Overall Blog Post - list it out, write it out REALLY SHOW overall what LA has accomplished in the last two weeks - built a school, create a song/music video, raised money to assist Japan, learned martial arts, hiked the Amazon, kayaked the caribbean, camped out, viewed sporting events, learned about the courts and legal systems and so on and on . . .; need a graphic to represent LA - Spartan, logo, the LA which cross each other or maybe put LA over a graphic of the globe  . . .
  • RUaDN Statistics - how many page views, where has blog been viewed, total posts, total comments, how many videos on Youtube, photos in Picasa, tweets, facebook fans, and etc. Compare stats to last year.  Provide links to our acccounts withint the document and use a graph as a graphic (it can show the increase in blog views over the two weeks  or it can be a bar graph of this year compared to last year.)
  • Winterim is or feels or ??? - using the Wordle as the graphic provide a final glimpse into Winterim philosophically (not like the first post which talks about the "what" we did); This is more like the "so what" about Winterim.  You may change the Wordle made yesterday. (Mrs. Poulin will share the google doc with all the words on it.)
  • Winterim Slide Show -   For the post a 2nd slide show needs to be made using the Animoto music and then exported to YouTube (public). The text in the post should again state a general concept of LA Winterim is - maybe cut and paste this from the "What is Winterim" page.  Also state the site used to make the video,  the song and singer in the slide show(you could explain that it was shown at assembly with a different song, which we don't have permission to use on the internet.).  EMBED the slide show from YouTube into this final blog post.
2. View the Assembly slide show. Mrs. Poulin has uploaded the photos into Animoto; in the morning Sarah will need to add the song. Then it will take time to produce the video.  It will be exported to YoutTube (private) and ready for us to view by 11:00.
3. Plan/Practice Assembly presentation (11:00)
  • Mrs. Poulin and Ms. Boncher will introduce the group
  • Each pair (from final four articles) will speak main ideas of final post. (one person can speak from the pair)
  • Slide show is last item for Assembly
4. Winterim Student Evaluations

5. Final Reflective thoughts posted on this agenda

Thursday, March 17th Agenda

A. Know your Social Media Daily job and work on it thoughout the day.

B. Talk with at least 5-10 different students today - get three words to describe Winterim experience.  Type them into a Google Doc entitled "Words to Describe Winterim" (Mrs. Poulin will create and share this with you.)  We will make a Wordle for one of the last posts of the blog.

C. Major updates today for on-campus projects that were not updated on yesterday. Off-Campus projects need to have at least 2 posts about them by end of today.

D. Promote TWO of your best or most favorite articles you created this Winterim.Promote your article from yesterday about Social Media as well.

E. Photos and more Photos to Slide Show folder!!! Groups with MANY photos can have up to 8 GREAT photos in slide show.  Other groups need between 1-5 GREAT photos.  Off campus groups that we have never heard from will be the only groups with ONE photo.
F. Each student will pitch ONE song for the Assemby slide show - this may be a copyrighted song, but it must be appropriate to play for a general audience.

G. Editor-n-Chief with Mrs. Poulin will choose 2-3 songs for the "online" version of the slide show. The group will vote which one to use.

H.  Finish up Social Media Job

I. Reflection for today

Look ahead for Friday:

Render the slide show for Assembly
Render the slide show for the blog
Partner Feature story - last 4 posts of the blogs - slide show will be the last post
Plan the Assemby presentation - we need stats, lead speakers, slide show is very last thing to be shown at assembly

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lawrence Academy Winterim 2011: Uses and Benefits of Blogging!

Lawrence Academy Winterim 2011: Uses and Benefits of Blogging!: "A blog is a website containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often has images and lin..."

Lawrence Academy Winterim 2011: YouTube - Best Self-Expression.

Lawrence Academy Winterim 2011: YouTube - Best Self-Expression.: "Youtube is a completely free video-sharing website where users can upload, share, and favorite videos. Three former PayPal employees founde..."

Lawrence Academy Winterim 2011: The Book

Lawrence Academy Winterim 2011: The Book: "PictureFacebook is a social networking site that has been extremely popular since 2006. Each member of the site can create a personal profi..."

Lawrence Academy Winterim 2011: Twitter Gone Wild

Lawrence Academy Winterim 2011: Twitter Gone Wild: "Twitter is an internet social networking site that keeps people updated on everything that is going on in the news or peoples' lives. T..."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wednesday, March 16th Agenda

Boston Trip (For the daily schedule refer to the google doc.)

Morning Session:

A. Know your daily social media job. Begin to do this during the morning session and continue throughout the day if necessary. (This is the multi-tasking part.) (I will check on this at 1:30 during our 2nd work session.)

B. Partner Feature Story - RUaDgtalNativ:Social Media Tools for the 21st Century
  • You have 5 min. to Plan two ideas to Pitch regarding a social media tool or concept you have learned about.
  • We have 5 min. to Pitch and vote/determine what each partnership is going to focus on.
  • You have 50-60 min. to Prepare as a team and Post a draft your blog article.
  • As you Plan/Pitch/Prepare keep in mind that the post must:
    • Describe what it is
    • Articulate how it works
    • Explain how it is "social" media
    • Discuss why it is useful (What is it's purpose? Can the purpose be different for different people or organizations?)
    • Explain how it can be used by students for educational purposes
    • Be 12-15 complete sentences - it can be 1 or 2 paragraphs if necessary
    • Have a catchy title
    • Use the following tags: RUDN, socialmedia
    • Include at least 2 links
    • Contain at least one form of media to visually represent your topic (photo or video or other graphic of some kind)
  • Have Ms. Boncher or Mrs. Poulin edit your article; then Post it to the LA Winterim 11 Blog.
  • Promote your article anyway you want to.  Highest views by Friday morning is the winner . . . of what, not sure yet.
  • "Re-Blog" (or share) your post to the RUaDgtalNativ? Blog site.(The first partnership to figure our how to do this gets a sweet snack today.) DO NOT cut-n-paste into a new post. (I'll know.) A "re-blog" or share happens while you are reading the original post.
Your done with morning session at this point.  The latest you can leave the Digital Lounge and make it to our lunch reservation is 11:15. The earliest you'll be allowed to leave by Ms. Boncher or Mrs. Poulin is 10:45.

Afternoon Session:

A. Keep this in mind - all projects must have a minimum of 2 blog posts written about them. However most on-campus projects should have 3 or more. (You'll probably want to do a "final" update for most of your on-campus projects, you still have Thursday as well.)  With all this in mind  . . .
  • Go to the "edit post" page and look at the tags on the left. Do you see your projects listed?  Check the number of posts. By Thursday at 2:30 all projects need to meet the minimum, however  . . .
  • Just because your on-campus projects may already have 2, we expect a final update might be needed. 
  • Work on your individual project post or posts for today - good title, links, media, tags!
  • DRAFT must be viewed/edited by Ms. Boncher or Mrs. Poulin before it can hit the blog.
B. Final Slide Show Prep
  • Log in as LAWinterim (in a different browser or sign out as you.)
  • View each of your project's photos in Picasa.
  • Choose 1-5 images for the Final Slide Show.
  • COPY (do NOT MOVE) them into the "Final Slide Show" Album in Picasa
C. Don't forget to "multi-task" and do your Social Media Job for today. (But  . . . be careful about signing in as LAWinterim.  You want your blog posts to be "signed" by you, not LA Winterim.)

D. Reflection of your work on this agenda.

You are done with the afternoon session at this point. We will leave the libary as a group at 3:15-3:30 (or at least 2 hrs. 15 min. after we arrive).  If you are done, you may roam the library only or use your lap top for personal reasons in the Teen Lounge. Ms. Boncher or Mrs. Poulin determine if you are done.

Tuesday, March 15th Agenda

Today you need to update on-campus AND off-campus groups.  In addition you need to do your job and reflection before 2pm today.

Morning Session:


Sean - Andes and Amazon update from e-mail and a comment
Paul - live stream the trial practice;
Cheng - TME article (use the photos they sent) and maybe a visit there; Kayak in Carribean research about their 2nd week
Sabina - Digital Photo update and photos in a slide show
Sarah - update on watermedia and check on fashion
Jordan - Yoga & maybe a visit to the ARC
Mike - Underwater discover - research their 2nd week, work with Paige on GMap
David - AZMnt. Biking update; learn more about clay & Kiln process; Baking Basics visit for more infor/recipe ideas


View Contest - By Thursday afternoon - Most views wins a prize
Partner Feature story about social media.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Live Streaming on Livestream

It's quite simple to stream via Livestream.

Step 1: Sign in
Step 2: Press broadcast now
Step 3: Click account you wish to broadcast from
Step 4: Allow flash to work when the icon pops up
Step 5: Press Go LIve

Monday, March 14th Agenda

Morning Session until 11:00 (take a 10 min. break when it makes sense for  you)

1. Feature Article with Parnter [45 min.]
  • Pitch and Plan only (includes gathering your media, downloading/uploading it) (keep video short & simple or don't use it all.)

2. Individual work [75 min.]
  • Know your job. Check e-mail from Mrs. Poulin (do in classroom and/or at Apple Store)
  • Check E-mail for updates from off-campus projects. (If there are any you need to find time to write a post today!)

  • David - upload Baking video to YouTube and get it onto previous blog article; check other on-campus group*
  • Sarah - upload Max's video to YouTube and get it onto previous blog article; check other on-campus groups*
  • Jordan - check on campus groups*, ADD to draft already started by All Creatures group and POST it this morning with a few photos. (see e-mails); have another student choose music for Casino night video and download it; upload video to YouTube
  • Sean - download chess video, put clips together, find music, add music, upload to YouTube, write post
  • Sabina - check on-campus project*
  • Mike - check on-campus project*
  • Cheng - Interview another administrator using flip camera, download videos to computer, write a post to go with it
  • Paul - Research and figure out Live Video Streaming - e-mail/call Hans, go on our account, test it, how do we hook up a camera to computer, etc.; Post on RUaDN blog a "how to" article with links we may need.
*Check your on-campus projects.
  • Take new updated photos and observe their progress.
  • Download photos to Picasa account
  • Write a new post in morning
Apple Store Work Session:
1. GMap: (ALL students) [15 min. - This will be easier to do on a lap top as opposed to an iPad]
2. Feature Blog article with Partner - Post and individually promote (lap top, desk top or iPad)

3. Finish or continue to do daily Social Media Job (iPad or lap top)

4. Reflective Comment on RUaDN Blog (iPad)

By End of Day:
  • 1-2 new posts (this does not include follow-up work/updated posts) which contain good content: media, good title, links, and tags.
  • 1 feature article with partner (4 total hit blog by 2:30 pm)
  • All jobs done
  • GMap is finished and ready to be published
  • 8 Reflective comments on RUaDN 3/14 Agenda

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday, March 11th Agenda

1. Know your Social Media Job Assignment
2. Check e-mail in case you have received anything
3. Field Reporting
4. Each of your groups must have at least ONE blog by the end of today! This will mean you need to write 1 to 2 blogs today. (If all your projects already have an article, you should do another 1-2 with different media and updates if know some.)
5. GMap - upload the group photo and write a 2-4 line description of the Winterim.
6. If time, another pitch, plan, post, promote contest.

Thursday, March 10th Agenda

Early Morning Goals:

Group photo for Mask Making and RUaDN.
Figure our your assigned job. Ask questions and make sure you have a plan to accomplish this job either at a specific time or throughout the day.
Take photos of your other on-campus projects.
Look at itinerary and/or send an e-mail to faculty of your "local" projects to figure out where they are for Friday and/or next Tuesday.

Plan, produce, and post 2 blog articles for another one of your groups before lunch.
(Lunch is off campus today. You will have internet access and you will have time to work before and after lunch.)

Afternoon (after lunch):
Promote your article from this morning.
Work on Gmap for all of your projects. (Go to the link and add your group's world map location, group photo and text description to map. You can paraphrase what is in the catalog for the description. It should be between 3-4 sentences.)
"Reporting from the Field"plan - if there are "local" groups we can go visit on Friday and next Tuesday, we need to create a plan.
Reflect on today's activities by commenting on this agenda post.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Excellent! Good Work! Thank you!

You all did great yesterday! The content, titles and media on your posts are all unique and entertaining.  You also did better helping each other out with technology, thinking of titles, and editing your posts.

Last night as I read through your posts and the comments, I realized how much you have learned in just 3 short (or maybe long) days!  You have already created a product which is being shared and liked by others in the LA community.  I'm excited for us to continuing working together.  Thanks again and keep up the great work!

I wanted to post a picture to express my gratitude instead you can watch this video from YouTube. Only 35 million plus hits, but it shows what can happen when one person's idea catches on world wide.  You may have seen it - it's from 2008. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wednesday, March 9th Agenda

The LA Winterim blog looks very different after just one day.  I'm excited to see what it will look like by the end of today.

Our goals for today are:

  • Last few group photo shots need to be completed.
  • Learn how to upload to Picasa and access your groups' folders. (You'll need to check your e-mail for a lot of "invites" to photo albums.)
  • Learn how to take quality photos which capture "the moment."
  • Complete your Social Media job.
  • Learn more about groups today - via group itinerary on Google Docs, Winterim catalog, visiting the group and etc.
  • Post at least 2 articles to the blog about two of your individual groups. (Title, text, media, links, tags - Mrs. Boncher, Mrs. Poulin, or the RUaDN EIC needs to review it before it is posted.)
  • Make a reflective comment to this agenda.

Which television series have gone down the drain?

Many television series start out with interesting concepts that made viewers intrigued. However, some shows such as Lost and Prison Break have completely gone off track from the original story line.
The first season of Lost was good. After that, the show went completely downhill. In the first season of Lost, the plot line, although science fiction, had a somewhat believable quality that intrigued viewers and made them wanting to watch more. The combination of the flashbacks of the characters and the suspense and mystery of the island was a new concept for television series. People liked this show because Lost's first season was unique and suspenseful.

However, the rest of the seasons were disappointing because there was simply to much going on. With the introduction of the Others, the Dharma Initiative, and random explosions, the storyline became too complex and was dragging on needlessly. Season one was mainly about uncovering the back-stories of each character and how they were surviving. Adding all of the other antagonistic aspects took away the simplicity of the initial concept of the show. Since the producers wanted to keep the show going, in the process they ended up ruining the shows good qualities.

Prison Break's main issue was that the same storyline repeated itself over and over again throughout the course of the show. The character gets jailed, there's lots of planning in between, then the character finally breaks out. Viewers can deal with this for one season, but not for FOUR more. It gets too repetitive, and although it was well received in the beginning, it should have just ended after one season.

Overall, these shows later seasons were so bad that they should have ended after one season. There was no point in dragging Lost or Prison Break for much longer than that. The first seasons of both shows were spectacular, although they have completely jumped the shark.

look and feel!!!

look & feel: we recommend set the background picture as the old school building. it should feel like a Facebook page with a lot of links.

Purpose voice audience! group 1 love paul and jordan

"To inform students, faculty, alums, parents basically everyone who wants to know what we as a community are doing for two weeks in March. Our goals are to inform every one of the various activities and to show even the little things that happen. Also the fun of the winterims and to advertize what winterim is and how we as a school use it to bond and to give back. Our work will be read by alum, faculty, parents, students, grandparents, and even open to the general public to check out what we are doing. We are not allowed to bash people in a negative way but we mostly are trying to just show the positive and not as much of the negative by saying that if you don’t like your winterim activity at night there is no writing everyone hated there night tonight. "Success is being able to do what you love every single day." says paul! It will be to have a lot of views by the end and also to have something that we are all proud of. Our voice will be funny but all telling the truth it will be a mellow more student writing not everything correct or anything like that but more sounding like a student."

Compelling Content

Great content should be directed to the viewers interest and direct, without repeating oneself and being boring. Audiences will come back if we write with a nice style and talk about what they want to hear about. They are interested in Winterim, which is why they came to this blog.
When looking at articles, we found that articles directed to the readers interest were ones that we wanted to read more. Articles entitled, "Charlie Sheen Swings Machete From Rooftop, Yells 'Free At Last!'", "Buying an iPad 2: What you need to know", and "San Diego State University Student's Body Was Discovered in Madrid River" were more intriguing than articles with longer terms and words. The title is the first thing people see, so the trick that these articles used was to make the title interesting so people want to read. They also tell exactly what the article is about. Therefore, by being direct and short in their titles, these articles were more interesting to us.
To make people interested in reading our articles, it is important to have a direct, short headline. If the title of the article is long and has several large words incorporated into it, then people wouldn't be as inclined to read the article. So, having a short title the gets right to the point would make the article more intriguing to people. The title should grab the readers attention, even by being more outrageous than the actual article might be. It is fine to stretch the truth a bit to ensure readers.
In the body of the article, many newspapers will get immediately to the point in the first couple of paragraphs. They will start off with the main idea of the situation in the first couple of paragraphs, and offer the background information afterwards.
In the conclusion of some articles, they will offer a small summary of what the article was about or what might happen in future. When writing, it is important to make sure the reader is following how everything connect to the main idea. Therefore, by offering this short, one to two sentence summary would be helpful and effective.

Question number three, the success of the blog according to the visits. Team - Sarah and Mike.

1) We should base our decision according to the number of hits, comments, members and followers.
2) We expect the number which is approximately equal to the half or more of Lawrence academy, depending on which post get the most views will allow us to see what people find most interesting. Things like marking the post as interesting, with like or favorite, or the increase of followers also allow us to know what's the most popular.
3) The most important number is the constant number of posts, amount of time on our website and hits/clicks per day - we can analyze the results and get the most successful tactics of providing information.

Tuesday, March 8th Agenda

Today Hans Mundahl from New Hampton School will be with us. He will help us really jump start the blog and our reporting methods.  Check out the his agenda on the wiki.

You will be responsible for your Social Media Job today, check out that schedule on the wiki as well.

Check Google Docs and make sure you can "see" all the itineraries and the RUaDN project list. You must know which Winterim projects are yours by this afternoon.

We are receving text and other media from groups through the LAWitnerim gmail account.  I will be forwarding these to you so you can create articles for the blog. I also have a lot of photos and video from last night if someone needs them.  I will try to upload them in case you need them.

Your last assignment everyday is to COMMENT on the blog post containing the day's agenda.  It must be a reflective comment about what you learned, the questions you have, what you accomplished, and how the group is doing.  Please be clear and write good comments to help our group improve each day with our work.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Monday, March 7th - Agenda

We will do a lot of set up "stuff" today as well as take a few more group photos. We need to stay organized and be on time to get through all of this today.

A. Group Photos of on campus groups (first part of morning or part of afternoon)

B. Social Media - Introduction - watch "The Machine is Us/ing Us" (Visit the wiki or look for another blog post to view this video. Answer the questions in a comment on the blog post.)

C. Google - create an account, add products (iGoogle, Docs, Reader, Blogger), make sure you can view all items that have been "shared" with you on Google from LAtechie. (Visit the wiki to watch videos about these and other sites.)
D. YouTube Channel - subscribe to LAWinterim Channel
E. Picasa Photo Account - RSS feed this account to your Google Reader

F. Social Bookmarking - watch a Common Craft Video, set up a Delicious account, add LAtechie to your networks
G. Facebook Page- "like" our page
H. Blogger - become an administrator and follower for LA Winterim 11 blog, learn how to create a post, and become a follower of this blog (RUaDgtalNativ)